
Implementasi Desain Universal

Jawaban:  3 Prinsip panduan UDL (UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING ) , yaitu;  1) Multiple means of engagement  Menyediakan berbagai cara keterlibatan untuk mendukung pembelajaran afektif (yaitu, mengapa kita belajar): Mempertimbangkan bagaimana melibatkan peserta didik guna merangsang minat dan memotivasi dalam belajar melalui kegiatan seperti pembelajaran kolaboratif, permainan dan simulasi, nyata dan virtual.  2) Multiple means of representation Menyediakan berbagai sarana yang representatif untuk mendukung cara kita memberikan makna pada pembelajaran (menyediakan konten melalui berbagai cara, seperti diskusi, bacaan, teks digital, dan presentasi multimedia)  3) Multiple means of action and expression  Menyediakan berbagai cara yaitu berupa tindakan dan ekspresi sebagai upaya dalam mendukung cara belajar yang strategis (yaitu, bagaimana kita belajar): Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk menunjukkan pemahaman mereka dalam berbagai cara seperti me...

Lancar Kaji karena Diulang

Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh. Long time no see guys, mumpung mimin lagi sibuk kuliah maklum lagi disemester akhir, eh curcol deh.... Ok, kali ini aku mau posting video translate yang mana ini sebenarnya tugas kuliah matkul Interpreting. Kami ditugaskan buat subtitle gitu, subtitle Inggris dan Indonesia. Yapp langsung saja ya ini videonya. Aku kasih link videonyaa dan bisa ditonton langsung di yahh.  Enjoy watching!. Bebas komen, bullying, kritik and saran sangat dianjurkan. Thank you, and see you. Video 1 "How to be a Success in 6 minutes" Terjemahin bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia Video 2 "Berubah" Terjemahin bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris Video 3 "The Jungle King! - NAS Daily in Hawaii Terjemahin bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia

closer look in toefl test

Language Variation

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb Bismillah !!! Today, I want to post about Language Variation. Let's ceck it out. Please give comments and suggestions. Language is one tool to communicate with each other. Around the world people use language. Different factors affect how a language is spoken within a country. Its can be regional (geographical), ethnic (National and racial), and social (class, age, gender, socioeconomic status and education). All the factors are interconnected. Between speakers of any language there is variation in the way that they use their language. Variation demonstated in terms of sound (phonetics) and structure (grammar).  There are some language variation, namely: a. Jargon.  b. Idiolects c. Slang d. Dialects e. Euphemism f. Languages g. Register h. Accent i. Standard Variety Thank you for reading, see you soon ^^

Speech Communities

Bismillah. Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.   Characteristics of speech communities, namely : (-) group differentiation from others speakers. For instance social, cultural, ethnic. (-) communities are defined with the relationship with other communities. Insersecting Communities Each person speaks their own "typical" way according to its place of origin or specific speech community. Rosen claims that cities cannot be thought of as  a linguistic patchwork maps, ghetto after ghetto because: Questions: 1. Is slang American include in speech communities? 2. Is it suitable for us that using one speech that used in other community? 3. Why speech communities exist? 4. Is speech community same with social dialect? 5. What is benefit for members in speech communities? Answers: 1. Yes, slang include in speech communities, because slang is used in one group. Firstly, slang used in USA, black skin (Negro/orang berkulit hitam).  2. Yes it is, but must be carefu...

Code Mixing and Code Switching

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb Bismillah. Well, I wanna post what code mixing dan code switching is, and some questions that we discussed in classroom. A. Code Mixing Is is the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech. B. Code Switching When a speaker alternates between two or more languages, or language varietis, in the context of a single conversation is meaning of code switching . C. Questions 1. What is the benefit we learn code mixing and code switching? 2. Is this study flexible to use in all situation and wherever we are? 3. Differences English and Arabic code mixing! D. Answers 1. We know the technique how to mix and switch language. 2. Yes, it is 3. Different from structure and rule create the code mixing. In English we are easy  to mix between English and other language because it used arround the world and as international language. For Arabic maybe harder than before, because some people can speak Arabic. Thank you for reading. Se...

UTS of Sociolinguistics Course

 Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb hai hai ketemu lagi dengan minmin. Kali ini aku mau nge post soal dan jawaban UTS smtr 5 di kampus aku (matkul Sociolinguistics). Let's ceck it out!  Answer sheet! Name              : Sit Rafiah. MH NIM/Class       : 1588203033/V.A What is Sociolinguistics? Sociolinguistics is one of branches of applied linguistics. This study   between socio and linguistics.   In An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (2013), Rubén Chacón-Beltrán observes that in sociolinguistics "the stress is placed on language and its role within communication. Sociology of language, however, centers on the study of society and how we can understand it through the study of language." Sociolinguistics is the study of language in its social context. This means that we use language to socially define and express who we are, where we come from, an...

Pidgins and Creoles

Assalamualaikum.  Good day all. I am going to share to you all about Pidgin and Creoles in Sociolinguistics. Enjoy reading :) Lingua Franca UNESCO defined a lingua franca as ‘a language which is used habitually by people whose mother tongues are different in order to facilitated communication between them.’ A variety of the other terms can be found which describe much the same phenomenon. A lingua franca can be spoken in a variety of ways. Not only they spoken differently in different places, but individual speakers varied widely in their ability to use the language. English serves today as a lingua franca in many parts of the world: for some speakers it is a native language, for other a second language, and for still others as a foreign language. The History of the Pidgins and Creoles Among an array of the theories of the pidgin and creole languages of the world assumed, discussed, confirmed and dismissed by the international sociolinguist either this time or the o...

2nd group Sociolinguistics: Language, Dialects and Varieties

Good day all.. Today,  I'll share about conclusion 2nd group presentations about Language, dialect, and varieties. Language is tool you use, readmore : Language is many things; it can be a system of communication, a medium for thought, vehicle for literary expression, a matter for political controversy, a catalyst for nation building (O’Grady & Dobrovolsky, 1989: 1 in Imansyah, 2008: 1). The existence of language can’t be separated from human life. It can be seen from the fact that all activities related to interaction among people necessitate a language. Language is an important means of communication. Language reflects thinking; obviously we can’t say a sentence until we have first thought of it. 7 criteria of language 1. Standardization: Codification of language: grammars, spelling books, dictionaries, literature. It is possible to teach. To make standardization, it require choosing one elite vernacular and it can be prestigious 2. Vitality ...

Mata Kuliah Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb Apa kabar nich readers, udah lama sepertinya kita tak bersua ya. Minmin harap semuanya baik-baik aja. Okeh kali ini minmin akan posting kembali tentang tugas kuliah. Introduction to Sociolinguistics By group 1: Asri Laraswati Shella Shafira TM. Ridhani Here are three questions and the ansewr based on the discussions: Questions: 1. Siti Rafiah : What is relation among dialect and accent in sociolinguistics?     Asri Laraswati : Karena terdapat variasi bahasa yang berdasarkan wilayah/regional yang menggunakan bahasa sehingga mencerminkan dialek dan aksen di dalamnya (socilinguistics) 2. Hotdiana : Please, give the example of types sociolinguistics?      Shela : Sociologi of language adalah bahasa-bahasa yang kita gunakan dalam kehidupan kita ini contohnya bahasa gau/alay, slang. Sociologi berkaitan dengan efek penggunaan bahasa yang kita pakai pada saat itu, contohnya penggunakaan bah...