Part of Pure Linguistics - Semantics

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Kali ini aku akan membagikan pembahasan mengenai Part of Pure Linguistics yaitu Semantics, nahh kali ini aku menuliskan hanya pengenalan dulu yaa agan-agan.. yahh, kemampuan manusia juga ada batasnya jadi post-an kali ini pengenalan dulu yaa, lain waktu lebih rinci lagi .. enjoy yaa readers ^^

Semantics (mean)  adalah bagian dari pure linguistics, yang mana semantics dapat kita artikan sebagai study of meanings. Dari semua bagian Linguistics, semantics adalah puncaknya, dari awal ada phonetics yang mempelajari bunyi, phonology yang membahas bagaimana suara dihasilkan, morphology membahas tentang bunyi/suara menjadi sebuah kata, syntax membahas kata menjadi sebuah kalimat, lexicology membahas tentang kata-kata yang di muat di dalam kamus (dictionary), dan semantics membahas tentang bagaimana di dalam suatu kalimat tsb dapat mengandung arti yang jelas kebenarannya, dan pilihan kata yang sesuai untuk membuat sebuah kalimat agar kalimat tersebut mengandung makna/arti yang sesuai. Pembahasan semantics antara lain:
-          Sense
Sense sama artinya dengan rasa, rasa dimaksud di sini adalah bisa berupa fiksi, tak tampak namun kita dapat merasakannya. Sense is also used to describe the semantics content of expressions that describe activities, states, qualities, attributes, relations etc- as you may have noticed, reference essentially only applies to nouns. We'll see in the section on lexical semantics that an expression is not limited to just once sense, but can easily take on multiple senses (remember mean?).
-          Denotation/connotation
Denotation = denotasi, tahulah gan artinya apa, yapp bisa dibilang denotasi atau makna sebenarnya, sedangkan connotation=konotasi adalah makna tidak sebanarnya kalo kita belajar Bahasa Indonesia di SD-SMA. Nah, di semantics ini juga belar tentang denotasi dan konotasi loh agan2. Sebagai contoh makna denotasi seperti kata “babi” adalah tertuju kepada nama hewan, sedangkan di dalam makna konotasi “babi” artinya berkata kotor ditujukan kepada seseorang yang sifatnya seperti hewan tsb. Nah, makna konotasi ini sangat erat dengan moral/adat di dalam lingkungan masyarakata, jadi untuk mengartikan makna sesuatu secara halus digunakanlah makna konotasi, contoh lainnya adalah seperti ungkapan: keras kepala(tidak mau mengalah), buah tangan(oleh-oleh), tangan panjang(pencuri), dsb.
-          Extension
An expression's extension is the sum of all senses and referents to which it applies. For example, the extension of the term man is roughly 50% of the world's population; the extension of Mike's friend would include whomever Mike is friends with.
-          Semanticss anomaly
-          Semanticss role
-          Semanticss feature
-          Lexical semanticss
While analysis of the semanticss content of an utterance is possible using differently sized chunks of language (phrases, sentences, entire texts), it is common to start on the word level and to examine words that intuitively seem to "go together".
-          Word fields
-          Antonym
Antonyms are binary opposition pairs such as happy - unhappy, tall - short, young - old, war - peace. Their decisive quality is that the meaning of one term automatically excludes the other - someone who is tall is not short and someone who is unhappy is not happy. Antonyms can be gradable or non-gradable, depending on whether or not we can attach inflectional morphemes to them to indicate a comparison (happy - happier - happiest vs beautiful - *beautifuller - *beautifullest)
-          Synonym
Synonomy is the degree of sameness (in regards to meaning) that two terms share. Natural languages afford fairly little space for complete synonyms (that would not be economical) and accordingly, small meaning differences exist. Example are buy and purchase.
-          Hyponomy
Hyponomy describes hierarchical relations between terms. If we can say that X is a kind of Y, a hyponymous relationship exists between X and Y. The two examples below illustrate this kind of connection. In the examples, the terms color and cook are superordinates, while the words listed below them are their hyponyms.
-          Homophemes
Homophones are terms that have a similar sound pattern, but are otherwise unrelated. Examples for this are see - sea, buy - bye, might - mite, night - knight. When two terms are spelled similarly but the sound patterns differ, we speak of homographs. An example for a pair of homographs is wind, as in we wind up in the same club every weekend vs. the wind is very cold in December. When both pronunciation and writing are identical, linguists conventionally speak of homonyms (see below).
-          Homonyms
Homonyms are terms that are superficially identical (in speech and writing) but etymologically unrelated:
match = thing that you light a cigarette with
match = thing that a soccer team loses
date = a sweet kind of fruit (ger: Dattel)
date = an appointment
Note that homonyms are characterized by the fact that they look the same superficially, but are actually unrelated. Usually the etymology of a word is key in determining whether it is a homonym.
-          Polysemy
In contrast to homonymity, which describes separate words with different meanings that only happen to look similar, polysemy describes individual word with multiple and distinct senses (polysemes). The term bank, for example, can denote either the institution or the building in which the institution resides. Both meanings are associated with the same word, making bank polysemous. By contrast, a river bank is not a different meaning of the same term, but a different word entirely.
-          Conceptual metaphors
While the abovementioned descriptions are use to describe sense relations, conceptual metaphor is a model that aims to explain how human cognition deals with certain aspects of meaning. These examples serve to demonstrate the idea: "ANGER is HEAT"
You make my blood boil
Let her stew
She got all steamed up
Baiklah readers, sekian dulu perkenalan tentang Semantics, intinya semantics membahas tentang makna/arti dari sebuah kalimat. Belajar semantics sangat menyenangkan lohh dan sangat berguna bagi kita semua, misalnya kita mau berbicara tapi tanpa tahu makna dan arti kalimat yang kita ucapkan, sama saja bohong. Jadi sebelum berbicara kita harus tahu dulu makna yang sesuai dalam topic pembicaraan. Semantics adalah bagian dari skill Speaking. Okay, see you ^^. Thank you for join me!!! 

Introduction to English Language and Linguistics-Reader.pdf by Susan Dostert


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