Part of Pure Linguistics - Lexicology

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Howdy my lovely readers??? Oh yeah, we meet again in my blog. Okay I’ll share to you all about introduction to lexicology. Udah dulu yaa speak English nya, hehe… Okay kita simak pembahasan tentang Lexicology di bawah ini. After that you can leave your comment ^^. Btw I have quote…
‘Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”
                                                                                    [Erol Ozan]
“Beberapa jalan yang indah tidak dapat ditemukan tanpa tersesat terlebih dahulu.”

Nah, kita harus tahu dulu definition of Lexicology yaa readers. Lexicology is the study of lexis or stock of words in a language. We will also use the word vocabulary interchangeably with lexis. Jadi Leksikologi dalam bahasa inggris dinamakan lexicology yang berarti ilmu/studi mengenai bentuk, sejarah dan arti kata-kata.

              Gbr. 1 Ask me about Lexicology

Menurut istilah, leksikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari seluk beluk makna/arti kosakata yang telah termuat atau akan dimuat di dalam kamus. Leksikologi atau ilmu kosakata adalah ilmu yang membahas tentang kosakata dan maknanya dalam sebuah bahasa atau beberapa bahasa. Ilmu ini memperioritaskan kajiannya dalam hal derivasi kata, struktur kata, makna kosakata, idiom-idiom, sinonim dan polisemi.

Gbr. 2. Areas of Lexicology

Baiklah, di dalam kajian Lexicology, pembahasan terbagi atas dua bagian:
1.    General lexicology is concerned with the general features of words common to all languages. It deals with something like universals in language.
2.    Special lexicology on the other hand studies the words with reference to one particular language.

The link between lexicology and grammar is also very close. Each word has a relation in the grammatical system of a language and belongs to some parts of speech. Lexicology studies this relationship in terms of the grammatical meanings as also their relationship with the lexical meaning. In the field of word formation, lexicology is still more closely related to grammar. Both study the patterns of word formation.

Lexicography also studies the lexicon as lexicology does but "whereas lexicology concentrates more on general properties and features that can be viewed as systematic, lexicography typically has the so to say individuality of each lexical unit in the focus of its interest". (Zgusta 1973, 14).

Gbr.3. Part Of Speech
Furthertmore, Lexicology sangat berkaitan dengan namanya Lexicography. Apa beda keduanya ? baiklah ini penjelasannya dalam bahsa Inggris yaa readers...

In lexicology the word is studied as a part of the system. In lexicography it is studied as an individual unit in respect of its meaning and use from the practical point of its use by the reader of the dictionary for learning the language or comprehending texts in it or for any other purpose like checking correct spelling, pronunciation etc. A word may have different and varied characteristic, all of which may not be needed by a lexicographer. His work is guided more by the purpose of the dictionary and the type of the audience. He presents the words of the lexical system in a way so as to make it more practically useable in real life situation i.e. in actual speech. Lexicology provides the theoretical basis of lexicography. 

The lexicographer although knowing all the semantic details of a lexical unit might, at times, have to take such decisions and include such features in the definition which might be his own observations. In lexicology the study of words is objective, governed by the theories of semantics and word formation. There is no scope for individual aberrations. In lexicography, in spite of all the best attempts on the part of the lexicographer, many a definition become subjective, i.e. they are not free from the bias of the dictionary maker. (cf. the meaning of oats in Johnson's Dictionary.) Whereas lexicology is more theory oriented, lexicography is more concerned with concrete application (i.e. results) of these theories.

Leksikologi  mempelajari seluk beluk kata ialah mempelajari perbendaharaan kata  dalam suatu bahasa, mempelajari pemakaian kata serta artinya seperti dipakai oleh masyarakat pemakai bahasa.


Baiklah itu saja pengenalan tentang Lexicology yaaa readers, karna ilmu saya terbatas untuk membahas lebih jauh kajian tentang Lexicology… untuk mensuport pembahasan kali ini, saya akan membagikan link klik di sini! untuk readers belajar lebih jauh lagi tentang Lexicology,, have fun yaa and see you next post ^^ [saranghae]


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