Part of Pure Linguistics - Syntax
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb Hai hai ketemu lagi dengan Siti. Baiklah kali ini Siti akan nge-post masih berkaitan dengan cabang daripada Linguistics yaitu Syntax. Sebelum itu siti ada video nih buat readers, bisa di klik di sini ! Nah, bagaimana menurut readers setelah menonton video tsb? apakah jelas pembahasan tentang syntax nya atau tidak?? kalau begitu Siti akan menambahkan sedikit penjelasan tentang syntax yang referensinya dari e-book... ceck it out ! Syntax: how words are grouped and ordered within sentences, clauses, and phrases. For instance, English places adjectives before nouns (e.g. beautiful house ) rather than after them (* house beautiful ), a feature of English syntax that distinguishes Germanic languages from Italic languages, which generally favor the placement of adjectives after the nouns that they modify (e.g. Italian casa bella ‘house beautiful’). This chapter marks a major transition in the book. It moves the discussion from a focus on pr...